This is the house that I built.

And this is how it had begun.

A farm field, that's right. To be precise, one acre of the canola field surrounding by many more acres of farm lands.
I had been living in Canada for a few years. The idea to build a house myself was not new and appealed to me from time to time. It became even more attractive after I had moved to Alberta with its affordable land. Well, at least some years ago, it was not that expensive.
When I had seen a new construction around, it always seemed like an easy stuff: dig, build a foundation, then erect walls, make a roof, move in and work on finishing the interior. Simple, ah?
I even found a book in a library called "How to build a house alone" or something like that. A man was building houses almost alone subcontracting certain unpleasant jobs to other people. This book had partially inspired us to go even further and do everything ourselves.
Actually, the idea to build a house had begun with a different kind of dream...
Impatient readers can see all the pictures here: images