
IKEA cabinets
I had never pictured fancy kitchen cabinets. All I had cared was that they must have been practical, durable and easy to clean.
One may consider white cabinets banal but not me. It is more about contrast and combination with other colours. In my case, it was green countertop and ceramic tile around the range, palaced linoleum, black ceramic tile bar top and dark red in surrounding space.

On the picture above you can see 10' countertop with double sink and appliances. What you can't see is 1 kW In-Sink-Erator (model 777ss) and Culligan reverse osmosis water filter under the sink.
For more information about the stuff under the sink see Plumbing.
For more information about the appliances see Appliances.

No matter how many cabinets you planned for your kitchen, they will never be enough to stow all the kitchenware. Thus, I proactively built a kitchen nook with plenty of shelves in it. When it fills out, it is time to start throwing stuff away.